Monthly Archives: April 2018

Stop Re-acting and Start Pro-acting

There are times in life when you have to re-act, but if we can keep that to a minimum and try to be pro-active more it puts us in more of a position of control. Which does not mean necessarily a need to be “controlling” of things but more taking ownership and responsibility. When we don’t take ownership / responsibility it becomes easier for us to put the blame on someone / something else.

– manzoor

Mis Communication

I have mentioned this to many of my friends over the years – my manager, Bill, at one of my earlier jobs told be once – communication is a 2 way street. When you tell someone something, you should verify that he heard what you meant to communicate. And vice versa, i.e., when you hear something, verify that what you heard was what the communicator meant.

Anyway, this morning I went to one of my coffee places and as I stood at the counter I said something like, “I’ve had your latte and also your cappuccino, how about I try your cortado today”. the guys behind the counter even asked me if I wanted the “Seltzer water” and I said “sure”. We continue talk about what else I might want, i.e., something to eat maybe, and I respond that I was not really wanting any “food” right now and was going to stick the coffee. Maybe I’ll get some coffee a little later.

He tells me what I owe, of course I don’t pay attention to the total but sign and head to the patio outside with my laptop. A few minutes later I go find out that he got me 3 coffees (and he forgot the seltzer water). It didn’t take me long to figure out what had happened and to notice where I went wrong 😦 I let Bill, and all my friends I had repeated his teaching to, down – again.

In addition to letting my friends down I also spent way more on my morning coffee than I meant to, not to mention I had 2 extra coffee that I had not meant to. Worse than the extra coffees was the fact that the beverages came in to-go / paper cups because I am sure he assumed that since I ordered 3 I must have meant I wanted to them to-go, even though I said I wanted them for there – this part I know I did communicate because he did repeat it back to me when I ordered.

– manzoor

Can the Can’t

I never heard the actual program and was not quite able to find it. But over the last few days they were talking about this 2nd (maybe 3rd) grade teacher planning a eulogy for “can’t”.

When you say you can’t, you are actually giving up.

I thought that was an excellent perspective. Of course we can’t say “yes” to everything – there simply isn’t the time available to do it all.

– manzoor

Good News / Bad News for my Smart Phone

I was starting to get worried that I would not be able to use my phone (that I’ve barely had for 3 and a half year) much longer. It has been my goal to use the smart phone for 5 years. So far, I have been able to use them for about 4 and a half in the past.

The good news – the device is just fine and the latest OS, v11.3, is working smoothly (so far).

So, the bad news is not so much about the device (i.e., hardware) but the content I’ve piled on it. More specifically – my 200K+ pix.

– manzoor

Seeing Blind

I have seen, seen it all in paper dreams
Watched it unfold on the screen
But I never understood
I have heard, have heard you speak a million words
Now you’re talking to me first
Never thought you would
Oh, my, my, you just took me by surprise
And I can’t believe my eyes
Oh, I must be seeing blind
Oh no, now you’re too good to be all mine
Now I’m looking in your eyes
Oh, I must be seeing blind
When I was young, my heart was always on the run
But you make lovin’ fun
I never knew it could be
I see you from a different point of view
I feel it’s too good to be true
I found my missing piece
Oh, my, my, you just took me by surprise
And I can’t believe my eyes
Oh, I must be seeing blind
Oh no, now you’re too good to be all mine
Now I’m looking in your eyes
Oh, I