Monthly Archives: April 2020

Restaurants Closing

– manzoor

Modern Love

I didn’t binge watch. If anything I took forever after I started to watch the very first episode a while back to re-start watching it. Eventually I watched the last 7 episodes in about a couple of weeks. The very last 2 episodes I watched in the same night.

I loved the different characters / story in each of the episodes. They were each their own independent story but at the same time they were thread together somehow.

– manzoor

COVID-19 Testing

Why are we not testing more aggressively? I understand and recognize that we don’t have enough kits and infrastructure to test. But given all the resource we seem to be willing to spend on the issue over all it seems to me that “testing” is getting the least attention.

– manzoor

Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) COVID-19 Test Pricing – CMS
What Will Coronavirus Testing and Treatment Cost Me? – WSJ
A breakdown of COVID-19 testing and cost – WAFF
The Latest in Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Methods and Availability – GoodRX
Total Cost of Her COVID-19 Treatment: $34,927.43 – Time